RYSA envisions a transformed and actively engaged youth focusing on society development.

RYSA is currently running its activities in Githogoro and Mji Wa Huruma villages near Runda Estate. Over 1000 youth participate in RYSA activities annually.
Our purpose is to improve the quality of life for young people living in poverty in urban slum areas of Githogoro and Mji wa Huruma. This is done through:- • Economic empowerment through capacity building for income generating activities • Access to tertiary education through bursaries and scholarships • Sports • Environmental awareness and care

The main objective is to empower the youth into becoming a transformed and actively engaged populace for society development.
RYSA has achieved most of its objectives following technical and financial support provided largely by APA/Apollo Group, Älmuhlt Linnebygdens Rotary Club Sweden, and RYSA Marafiki (Sweden & Norway)
Football is the core sporting activity of RYSA. Through football, RYSA has been able to bring together over 700 young people from Githogoro and Huruma slums since it serves as a strong galvanizing and binding force for young people. The youth are also taken for short leadership and management training courses including business planning and management, life skills, football coaches and referees.
There are two categories of players. Players in the age bracket of 16 years and above play for RYSA Senior Team while the rest are categorized and grouped as juniors in U-12 years and U-14 year olds. Junior category competitions are held during school breaks; i.e. in April, August and December. The best teams are awarded with soccer jerseys and school equipment including stationeries. The occasion is also utilized in mentoring the students and stressing the need to work hard both at school and in the field of play. We also have a girls’ team playing in the category of Junior team
We have a senior team that is currently playing the nairobi County league in Kenya. We have been promoted on several occasions to play in third topmost league but we have lacked funds as it is very expensive in terms of transporting the team from one county to another to play their matches and pay allowances.
Gothia and Norway Cup
For two consecutive years, RYSA junior boys’ team has had an opportunity to participate in Gothia Cup. In 2018, they also played in the Norway Cup. These trips have been facilitated fully by RYSA Marafiki in Norway and Sweden. The transformation in our boys out of these trips has been real. Many of those who participated are now in High schools and they continue to portray leadership traits both in school and in the community. In last year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams, the top student at Cheleta Primary (Gitau) has been a part of the team and has made the trip twice. He has since secured a full scholarship for his High school studies from APA Insurance. So, they continue to excel in their studies as well.